The Segmented Thickness Tool (STT) is designed to assess metal loss of well tubular by analyzing decay of localized electromagnetic fields. It employs 8 miniature high-resolution sensors positioned around its circumference, providing a comprehensive 360° segmented evaluation of 2 first pipes integrity. Additional two long sondes of the tool evaluate pipes of the same well up to 4th barrier inclusive delivering circumferential average metal loss of 3rd and 4th barrier. The STT is the best suite for corrosion logging and leak detection, often used alongside the North Side FIND system.

The Segmented Thickness Tool (STT) is designed to assess metal loss of well tubular by analyzing decay of localized electromagnetic fields. It employs 8 miniature high-resolution sensors positioned around its circumference, providing a comprehensive 360° segmented evaluation of 2 first pipes integrity. Additional two long sondes of the tool evaluate pipes of the same well up to 4th barrier inclusive delivering circumferential average metal loss of 3rd and 4th barrier. The STT is the best suite for corrosion logging and leak detection, often used alongside the North Side FIND system.

The Segmented Thickness Tool (STT) is designed to assess metal loss of well tubular by analyzing decay of localized electromagnetic fields. It employs 8 miniature high-resolution sensors positioned around its circumference, providing a comprehensive 360° segmented evaluation of 2 first pipes integrity. Additional two long sondes of the tool evaluate pipes of the same well up to 4th barrier inclusive delivering circumferential average metal loss of 3rd and 4th barrier. The STT is the best suite for corrosion logging and leak detection, often used alongside the North Side FIND system.