full-bore spinner flowmeter
Bi-directional sensitive to the flow the Fullbore Spinner FlowMeter is designed to measure a wide range of flowrates. A distinctive feature of North Side’s FBS is the extra low threshold allowing measurement of extremely low rates from 1m3/d. The full-bore spinner tool is combinable with the full spectrum of North Side Production Logging Tools depending upon the survey objective. The tool is available in memory as well as SRO modes.

Bi-directional sensitive to the flow the Fullbore Spinner FlowMeter is designed to measure a wide range of flowrates. A distinctive feature of North Side’s FBS is the extra low threshold allowing measurement of extremely low rates from 1m3/d. The full-bore spinner tool is combinable with the full spectrum of North Side Production Logging Tools depending upon the survey objective. The tool is available in memory as well as SRO modes.ell as SRO modes.

Bi-directional sensitive to the flow the Fullbore Spinner FlowMeter is designed to measure a wide range of flowrates. A distinctive feature of North Side’s FBS is the extra low threshold allowing measurement of extremely low rates from 1m3/d. Full-bore spinner tool is combinable with full spectrum of North Side Production Logging Tools depending upon survey objective. The tool is available in memory as well as SRO modes.